Leather coat cleaning service in HCM city – free pick-up and delivery

 Leather coat cleaning service in HCM city Sai Gon- free pick-up and delivery

Process of dry cleaning and leather renewal (4 steps)

Step 1: Dry cleaning skin

After we were using leather coats with hot and bad or humid weather in Vietnam makes the leather products easily moldy (especially in the humid period …). They can become hardened. So dry cleaning to make leather coats clean inside and out. This is the difference between us and manual establishments that only polish without washing.)

Dry cleaning leather coats

Step 2 – Spraying

We use an automatic centrifugal spray system on the entire skin surface after being washed to help the cement layer stick, thin, beautiful without losing skin texture.

Step 3 – Soft steaming

For the first time in Vietnam, we use a specialized leather steamer to make leather products softer and more durable. Especially with cement used as imported goods and modern technology, the finished product will not fade, get dirty in the user’s clothes.

Step 4 – Refresh

The product has gone through the 3 stages above we put into completion at the last stage – That is balm. Your leather coats will be covered with a varnish. This will make the product always beautiful and shiny as new help extend the life of the product.

Please call and let us help you if you dont have enough time to take care of your leather items.

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