If you are a fan of soft and stylish fur coats, you should not miss updating the ways to treat down jackets at home. This useful knowledge will be shared by Laundry World below to help your favorite items stay clean, fragrant, free of lumps and always ready to appear at every moment.

To wash a down jacket, you first need to choose a neutral detergent and warm water to protect the fiber quality. Compared to washing powder, washing liquid will dissolve more easily and will not leave powder residue, limiting hair damage.

Step 1: Locate the stain on the shirt

  • First, you spread the down jacket out on a flat surface. This way, you can visually observe dirty or dusty areas on the shirt. Determining what the stain is and how to treat it will help you choose the right way to wash your down jacket.

Step 2: Use a soft cloth to clean the stain

  • Down jackets are often made of polyester and nylon. These are materials that are very resistant to dirt, preventing the layer of dirt from penetrating deep into the shirt. Once you determine the dirty location, you can use a soft towel soaked in water to wipe it clean. This way, when washing a down jacket it will be cleaner and easier.

Step 3: Check for remaining items in the pocket and zip

  • To properly wash a down jacket at home, you should check all the pockets and remove remaining items such as money, keys, documents, etc. outside. Because these are often items that hinder the washing process, they can even cause the shirt to tear.
  • Besides, before washing, you should also close all bag locks and shirt locks. This will help make the hand washing process compact, quick and hassle-free.

Step 4: Soak the down jacket in soap solution

  • You will be advised to use laundry detergent instead of detergent to avoid leaving residue and causing unsightly white streaks on the shirt. Once you have dissolved the shirt washing solution, soak the shirt for about 1 hour to clean off stubborn dirt and dust. You can use your hand to submerge the shirt in water or use a soft bristle brush to scrub stubborn stains.

Step 5: Rinse thoroughly and squeeze water from the shirt

  • After soaking for about 1 hour, you should prepare another basin of water to dip and rinse the shirt. Repeat this process continuously until you feel your shirt is clean of all the slime from the soap. Note, when rinsing, you should not pull the shirt too hard, but just squeeze it gently to force the water out. Gently squeeze from the sleeve to the body of the shirt until the shirt becomes lighter to avoid damaging the hair.

Step 6: Dry the shirt after wringing out all the water

  • After squeezing out all the water, you should dry the down jacket on a rectangular drying rack. This type of rack has the effect of limiting folds, preventing the down jacket from clumping as well as preventing it from stretching and losing its shape.

Contact us now to experience premium life jacket dry cleaning service in HCM – free door to door delivery

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